Healing our Heroes – Winter Retreat
March 23, 2019 @ 8:00 am - March 27, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
At BrothersKeepers, we are proud to conduct retreats that include the whole family. Our participants tell us that our exciting, family inclusive retreats provide a deeper healing experience than ANYTHING else they have tried.
Family members experience a variety of thrilling activites in Utah, inlcuding: snow skiing, target practice (firearms and archery), mountain biking, a challenge course, and horseback riding.
BrothersKeepers hosts these events to give families a chance to get away from daily stress and reconnect. We love seeing them get excited about life again, but the downtime between skiing down a mountain and shooting guns is where the real transformation happens. This is a place where everyone understands how hard it is to get on with life after a disabling event. It’s safe to be honest and raw here. It’s also fine to laugh, sing songs, play music, and share great chow. Friendships forged on this retreat will help carry families through the hard times still ahead.
This retreat is now sold out. If you are interested in participating in a future retreat, or helping sponsor a Veteran family for a future retreat, please email us at info@brothers-keepers.org.